NFL Recruitment 2018

Total No of vacancies:  78 posts

Post Name:

1. Machinist - 06

2. Fitter - 16

3. Turner - 06

4. Electrician - 15

5. Electronic Mehcanic - 07

6. Welder (Gas & Elect.) - 10

7. Carpenter - 04

8. Plumber - 04

9. Draftsman (Civil) - 02

10. Mechanic Motor Vehicle - 04

11. Computer Hardware & Network Maint. - 04

●Educational Qualification:Candidates should have done ITI certificate in relevant trade or its equivalent qualification from a recognized university. For Post Wise Qualification Go To Detailed Advertisement

●Last Date:31st December 2018

●How To Apply: All Eligible and Interested candidates may fill the online application through official website before or on 31st December 2018.
